Walking for weight loss on a treadmill

Walking for weight loss on a treadmill

Walking for fitness is absolutely a good initiative for your overall mental and physical health. Many people suffering or recovering from certain heart diseases can also start walking to get rid of their illness. They are highly encouraged to use walking pads. For that purpose, there are rehabilitation programs in which health experts allow these persons to walk on treadmills. You should remember some points, like using the walking pad correctly and wearing comfortable shoes. It would be best if you always went for cushioning shoes that can support you on the walkingpad treadmill.

  • Select the shoes from the store labeled as running or walking
  • You should not select shoes with thick cushioning on the side of the heel. A low level of cushioning in the heels will work best for you
  • Unless of walking shoes, you should not select high-top shoes. The reason is that while walking, they will not bend easily.

Some tips that you should consider

While walking on a treadmill to lose weight, you should keep some tips in mind.

· Don't look down

While walking on a treadmill, try not to look down at the belt, as it will make you feel dizzy. Eventually, you will lose your balance and can fall off the treadmill. Also, keep your walking style as natural as you can. You can do this by visualizing the route on which you had run before.

· Don't try to hold on

Always decrease the intensity if you are holding on to the rails. Turn down the speed if you are feeling stuffed. You can also reduce the inclination slightly for that purpose. The best thing is to start with an average pace so you would not have to hold onto the rails.

· Don't skimp on air or water

Always place the walking pad in place of good airflow. It is certain that you will sweat more as there will be a low level of air inside compared to the outside atmosphere. So, keep a towel and a water bottle to stay hydrated.

· Don't forget your handsfree or headphones

When you start walking on the treadmill, try to avoid distractions. For that purpose, you can also use headphones to play your favorite songs. These modern walking pads come with a desk. Therefore, you can place your phone on that and watch your favorite movie or season. Walking for a long time on a walking pad at a slow pace is really beneficial for human health.

· Don't forget to cool down

Like warming up for a workout, easing out from the treadmill after the workout is essential. Because the sudden decrease in the treadmill's speed or stopping it can make you feel dizzy. So always start with a slow pace, then increase the speed and after the workout, again decrease the pace speed, and then you can end it. There are various websites which are offering these treadmills for homes and offices. You can visit them and can buy a compact walking treadmill for yourself.